Source code for cpnest.NestedSampling

from __future__ import division, print_function
import sys
import os
import pickle
import time
import logging
import numpy as np
from numpy import logaddexp
from numpy import inf
from math import isnan
from . import nest2pos
from .nest2pos import logsubexp
from operator import attrgetter
from .cpnest import CheckPoint

from tqdm import tqdm

logger = logging.getLogger('cpnest.NestedSampling')

class _NSintegralState(object):
    Stores the state of the nested sampling integrator
    def __init__(self, nlive):
        self.nlive = nlive
        loggername = 'cpnest.NestedSampling._NSintegralState'
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(loggername)

    def reset(self):
        Reset the sampler to its initial state at logZ = -infinity
        self.iteration = 0
        self.logZ = -inf
        self.oldZ = -inf
        self.logw = 0 = 0
        # Start with a dummy sample enclosing the whole prior
        self.logLs = [-inf]  # Likelihoods sampled
        self.log_vols = [0.0]  # Volumes enclosed by contours

    def increment(self, logL, nlive=None, nreplace=1):
        Increment the state of the evidence integrator
        Simply uses rectangle rule for initial estimate
            self.logger.warning('NS integrator received non-monotonic logL. {0:.5f} -> {1:.5f}'.format(self.logLs[-1], logL))
        if nlive is None:
            nlive = self.nlive
        oldZ = self.logZ
        Wt = self.logw + logL + logsubexp(0,logt)
        self.logZ = logaddexp(self.logZ,Wt)
        # Update information estimate
        if np.isfinite(oldZ) and np.isfinite(self.logZ) and np.isfinite(logL):
   = np.exp(Wt - self.logZ)*logL + np.exp(oldZ - self.logZ)*( + oldZ) - self.logZ
            if isnan(
       = 0

        # Update history
        self.logw += logt
        self.iteration += 1

    def finalise(self):
        Compute the final evidence with more accurate integrator
        Call at end of sampling run to refine estimate
        from scipy import integrate
        # Trapezoidal rule
        self.logZ = nest2pos.log_integrate_log_trap(np.array(self.logLs), np.array(self.log_vols))
        return self.logZ

    def plot(self,filename):
        Plot the logX vs logL
        import matplotlib as mpl
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        plt.title('{0} iterations. logZ={1:.2f} H={2:.2f} bits'.format(self.iteration,self.logZ,*np.log2(np.e)))
        plt.xlabel('log prior_volume')
        plt.ylabel('log likelihood')
        plt.savefig(filename)'Saved nested sampling plot as {0}'.format(filename))

    def __getstate__(self):
        """Remove the unpicklable entries."""
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        del state['logger']
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        if 'logger' not in state:
            loggername = "cpnest.NestedSampling._NSintegralState"
            state['logger'] = logging.getLogger(loggername)
        self.__dict__ = state

[docs]class NestedSampler(object): """ Nested Sampler class. Initialisation arguments: model: :obj:`cpnest.Model` user defined model manager: `multiprocessing` manager instance which controls the shared objects. Default: None Nlive: int number of live points to be used for the integration Default: 1024 output: string folder where the output will be stored Default: None verbose: int 0: Nothing 1: display information on screen 2: (1) + diagnostic plots Default: 1 seed: int seed for the initialisation of the pseudorandom chain Default: 1234 prior_sampling: boolean produce Nlive samples from the prior. Default: False stopping: float Stop when remaining samples wouldn't change logZ estimate by this much. Deafult: 0.1 n_periodic_checkpoint: int **deprecated** This parameter should not be used, it should be set by the manager instead. checkpoint the sampler every n_periodic_checkpoint iterations Default: None (disabled) """ def __init__(self, model, manager = None, nlive = 1024, output = None, verbose = 1, seed = 1, prior_sampling = False, stopping = 0.1, n_periodic_checkpoint = None, ): """ Initialise all necessary arguments and variables for the algorithm """ loggername = 'cpnest.NestedSampling.NestedSampler' self.logger = logging.getLogger(loggername) self.model = model self.manager = manager self.prior_sampling = prior_sampling self.setup_random_seed(seed) self.verbose = verbose self.acceptance = 1.0 self.accepted = 0 self.rejected = 1 self.queue_counter = 0 self.Nlive = nlive self.params = [None] * self.Nlive self.last_checkpoint_time = time.time() self.tolerance = stopping self.condition = np.inf self.worst = 0 self.logLmin = self.manager.logLmin self.logLmax = self.manager.logLmax self.iteration = 0 self.nested_samples = [] self.logZ = None self.state = _NSintegralState(self.Nlive) sys.stdout.flush() self.output_folder = output self.output_file,self.evidence_file,self.resume_file = self.setup_output(output) header = open(os.path.join(output,'header.txt'),'w') header.write('\t'.join(self.model.names)) header.write('\tlogL\n') header.close() self.initialised = False
[docs] def setup_output(self,output): """ Set up the output folder ----------- Parameters: output: string folder where the results will be stored ----------- Returns: output_file, evidence_file, resume_file: tuple output_file: file where the nested samples will be written evidence_file: file where the evidence will be written resume_file: file used for checkpointing the algorithm """ chain_filename = "chain_"+str(self.Nlive)+"_"+str(self.seed)+".txt" output_file = os.path.join(output,chain_filename) evidence_file = os.path.join(output,chain_filename+"_evidence.txt") resume_file = os.path.join(output,"nested_sampler_resume.pkl") return output_file, evidence_file, resume_file
[docs] def write_chain_to_file(self): """ Outputs a `cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` to the output_file """ with open(self.output_file,"w") as f: f.write('{0:s}\n'.format(self.model.header().rstrip())) for ns in self.nested_samples: f.write('{0:s}\n'.format(self.model.strsample(ns).rstrip()))
[docs] def write_evidence_to_file(self): """ Write the evidence logZ and maximum likelihood to the evidence_file """ with open(self.evidence_file,"w") as f: f.write('#logZ\tlogLmax\tH\n') f.write('{0:.5f} {1:.5f} {2:.2f}\n'.format(self.state.logZ, self.logLmax.value,
[docs] def setup_random_seed(self,seed): """ initialise the random seed """ self.seed = seed np.random.seed(seed=self.seed)
[docs] def consume_sample(self): """ consumes a sample from the consumer_pipes and updates the evidence logZ """ # Increment the state of the evidence integration nreplace = len(self.manager.consumer_pipes) logLmin = self.get_worst_n_live_points(nreplace) self.state.increment(self.params[nreplace-1].logL, nreplace=nreplace) self.nested_samples.extend(self.params[:nreplace]) logLtmp=[p.logL for p in self.params[:nreplace]] # Make sure we are mixing the chains for i in np.random.permutation(range(len(self.worst))): self.manager.consumer_pipes[self.worst[i]].send(self.params[self.worst[i]]) self.condition = logaddexp(self.state.logZ,self.logLmax.value - self.iteration/(float(self.Nlive))) - self.state.logZ # Replace the points we just consumed with the next acceptable ones for k in self.worst: self.iteration += 1 loops = 0 while(True): loops += 1 acceptance, sub_acceptance, self.jumps, proposed = self.manager.consumer_pipes[self.queue_counter].recv() if proposed.logL > self.logLmin.value: # replace worst point with new one self.params[k] = proposed self.queue_counter = (self.queue_counter + 1) % len(self.manager.consumer_pipes) self.accepted += 1 break else: # resend it to the producer self.manager.consumer_pipes[self.queue_counter].send(self.params[k]) self.rejected += 1 self.acceptance = float(self.accepted)/float(self.accepted + self.rejected) if self.verbose:"{0:d}: n:{1:4d} NS_acc:{2:.3f} S{3:d}_acc:{4:.3f} sub_acc:{5:.3f} H: {6:.2f} logL {7:.5f} --> {8:.5f} dZ: {9:.3f} logZ: {10:.3f} logLmax: {11:.2f}"\ .format(self.iteration, self.jumps*loops, self.acceptance, k, acceptance, sub_acceptance,,\ logLtmp[k], self.params[k].logL, self.condition, self.state.logZ, self.logLmax.value))
[docs] def get_worst_n_live_points(self, n): """ selects the lowest likelihood N live points for evolution """ self.params.sort(key=attrgetter('logL')) self.worst = np.arange(n) self.logLmin.value = np.float128(self.params[n-1].logL) return np.float128(self.logLmin.value)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Initialise the pool of `cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` by sampling them from the `cpnest.model.log_prior` distribution """ # send all live points to the samplers for start i = 0 nthreads=self.manager.nthreads with tqdm(total=self.Nlive, disable= not self.verbose, desc='CPNEST: populate samplers', position=nthreads) as pbar: while i < self.Nlive: for j in range(nthreads): self.manager.consumer_pipes[j].send(self.model.new_point()) for j in range(nthreads): while i < self.Nlive: acceptance,sub_acceptance,self.jumps,self.params[i] = self.manager.consumer_pipes[self.queue_counter].recv() self.queue_counter = (self.queue_counter + 1) % len(self.manager.consumer_pipes) if np.isnan(self.params[i].logL): self.logger.warn("Likelihood function returned NaN for params "+str(self.params)) self.logger.warn("You may want to check your likelihood function") if self.params[i].logP!=-np.inf and self.params[i].logL!=-np.inf: i+=1 pbar.update() break if self.verbose: sys.stderr.write("\n") sys.stderr.flush() self.initialised=True
[docs] def nested_sampling_loop(self): """ main nested sampling loop """ if not self.initialised: self.reset() if self.prior_sampling: for i in range(self.Nlive): self.nested_samples.append(self.params[i]) self.write_chain_to_file() self.write_evidence_to_file() self.logLmin.value = np.inf self.logLmin.value = np.inf for c in self.manager.consumer_pipes: c.send(None) self.logger.warning("Nested Sampling process {0!s}, exiting".format(os.getpid())) return 0 try: while self.condition > self.tolerance: self.consume_sample() if time.time() - self.last_checkpoint_time > self.manager.periodic_checkpoint_interval: self.checkpoint() self.last_checkpoint_time = time.time() except CheckPoint: self.checkpoint() # Run each pipe to get it to checkpoint for c in self.manager.consumer_pipes: c.send("checkpoint") sys.exit(130) # Signal worker threads to exit self.logLmin.value = np.inf for c in self.manager.consumer_pipes: c.send(None) # final adjustments self.params.sort(key=attrgetter('logL')) for i,p in enumerate(self.params): self.state.increment(p.logL,nlive=self.Nlive-i) self.nested_samples.append(p) # Refine evidence estimate self.state.finalise() self.logZ = self.state.logZ # output the chain and evidence self.write_chain_to_file() self.write_evidence_to_file() self.logger.critical('Final evidence: {0:0.2f}'.format(self.state.logZ)) self.logger.critical('Information: {0:.2f}'.format( # Some diagnostics if self.verbose>1 : self.state.plot(os.path.join(self.output_folder,'logXlogL.png')) return self.state.logZ, self.nested_samples
[docs] def checkpoint(self): """ Checkpoint its internal state """ self.logger.critical('Checkpointing nested sampling') with open(self.resume_file,"wb") as f: pickle.dump(self, f)
[docs] @classmethod def resume(cls, filename, manager, usermodel): """ Resumes the interrupted state from a checkpoint pickle file. """ with open(filename,"rb") as f: obj = pickle.load(f) obj.manager = manager obj.logLmin = obj.manager.logLmin obj.logLmin.value = obj.llmin obj.logLmax = obj.manager.logLmax obj.logLmax.value = obj.llmax obj.model = usermodel obj.logger = logging.getLogger("cpnest.NestedSampling.NestedSampler") del obj.__dict__['llmin'] del obj.__dict__['llmax'] obj.logger.critical('Resuming NestedSampler from ' + filename) obj.last_checkpoint_time = time.time() return obj
def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() state['llmin'] = self.logLmin.value state['llmax'] = self.logLmax.value # Remove the unpicklable entries. del state['logLmin'] del state['logLmax'] del state['manager'] del state['model'] del state['logger'] return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state