Source code for cpnest.model

from abc import ABCMeta,abstractmethod,abstractproperty
from numpy import inf
from array import array
from .parameter import LivePoint
from numpy.random import uniform

import logging
LOGGER = logging.getLogger('cpnest.model')  # <--- for module-level logging

[docs]class Model(object): """ Base class for user's model. User should subclass this and implement log_likelihood, names and bounds """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta names=[] # Names of parameters, e.g. ['p1','p2'] bounds=[] # Bounds of prior as list of tuples, e.g. [(min1,max1), (min2,max2), ...]
[docs] def in_bounds(self,param): """ Checks whether param lies within the bounds ----------- Parameters: param: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` ----------- Return: True: if all dimensions are within the bounds False: otherwise """ return all(self.bounds[i][0] < param.values[i] < self.bounds[i][1] for i in range(param.dimension))
[docs] def new_point(self): """ Create a new LivePoint, drawn from within bounds ----------- Return: p: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` """ logP=-inf while(logP==-inf): p = LivePoint(self.names, d=array('d', [uniform(self.bounds[i][0], self.bounds[i][1]) for i, _ in enumerate(self.names) ] ) ) logP=self.log_prior(p) return p
[docs] @abstractmethod def log_likelihood(self,param): """ returns log likelihood of given parameter ------------ Parameter: param: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` """ pass
[docs] def log_prior(self,param): """ Returns log of prior. Default is flat prior within bounds ---------- Parameter: param: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` ---------- Return: 0 if param is in bounds -np.inf otherwise """ if self.in_bounds(param): return 0.0 else: return -inf
[docs] def potential(self,param): """ returns the potential energy as minus the log prior ---------- Parameter: param: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` ---------- Return: :obj: -`cpnest.model.log_prior` """ return -self.log_prior(param)
[docs] def force(self,param): """ returns the force (-grad potential) Required for Hamiltonian sampling ---------- Parameter: param: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` """ pass
[docs] def strsample(self,sample): """ Return a string representation for the sample to be written to the output file. User may overload for additional output ---------- Parameter: param: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` ---------- Return: line: :string: """ line='\t'.join('{0:.20e}'.format(sample[n]) for n in sample.names) line+='{0:20e}'.format(sample.logL) return line
[docs] def header(self): """ Return a string with the output file header """ return '\t'.join(self.names) + '\tlogL'
[docs] def from_normalised(self, normalised_value): """ Maps from [0,1]^Ndim to the full range of the parameters Inverse of to_normalised() ---------- Parameter: normalised_vaue: array-like values in range (0,1) ---------- Returns: point: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` """ d=array('d', [self.bounds[i][0] + normalised_value[i] * (self.bounds[i][1] - self.bounds[i][0]) for i, _ in enumerate(self.names)] ) return LivePoint(self.names, d=d)
[docs] def to_normalised(self, point): """ Maps the bounds of the parameters onto [-1,1] ---------- Parameter: point: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` ---------- Returns: normalised_value: :obj:`array.array` The values of the parameter mapped into the Ndim-cube """ return array('d', [(v-b[0])/(b[1]-b[0]) for v, b in zip(value.values, self.bounds)])