Source code for cpnest.proposal

from __future__ import division
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
from math import log,sqrt,fabs,exp
from abc import ABCMeta,abstractmethod
import random
from random import sample,gauss,randrange,uniform
from scipy.interpolate import LSQUnivariateSpline
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
from scipy.special import logsumexp
from itertools import permutations

[docs]class Proposal(object): """ Base abstract class for jump proposals """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta log_J = 0.0 # Jacobian of this jump proposal
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_sample(self,old): """ Returns a new proposed sample given the old one. Must be implemented by user Parameters ---------- old : :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` Returns ---------- out: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` """ pass
[docs]class EnsembleProposal(Proposal): """ Base class for ensemble proposals """ ensemble=None
[docs] def set_ensemble(self,ensemble): """ Set the ensemble of points to use """ self.ensemble=ensemble
[docs]class ProposalCycle(EnsembleProposal): """ A proposal that cycles through a list of jumps. Initialisation arguments: proposals : A list of jump proposals weights : Weights for each type of jump Optional arguments: cyclelength : length of the proposal cycle. Default: 100 """ idx=0 # index in the cycle N=0 # number of proposals in the cycle def __init__(self,proposals,weights,cyclelength=100,*args,**kwargs): super(ProposalCycle,self).__init__() assert(len(weights)==len(proposals)) self.cyclelength = cyclelength self.weights = weights self.proposals = proposals self.set_cycle()
[docs] def set_cycle(self): # The cycle is a list of indices for self.proposals self.cycle = np.random.choice(self.proposals, size=self.cyclelength, p=self.weights, replace=True) self.N=len(self.cycle)
@property def weights(self): return self._weights @weights.setter def weights(self, weights): self._weights = self.normalise_weights(weights)
[docs] def normalise_weights(self, weights): norm = sum(weights) for i, _ in enumerate(weights): weights[i]=weights[i] / norm return weights
[docs] def get_sample(self,old,**kwargs): # Call the current proposal and increment the index self.idx = (self.idx + 1) % self.N p = self.cycle[self.idx] new = p.get_sample(old,**kwargs) self.log_J = p.log_J return new
[docs] def set_ensemble(self,ensemble): """ Updates the ensemble statistics by calling it on each :obj:`EnsembleProposal` """ self.ensemble=ensemble for p in self.proposals: if isinstance(p,EnsembleProposal): p.set_ensemble(self.ensemble)
[docs] def add_proposal(self, proposal, weight): self.proposals = self.proposals + [proposal] self.weights = self.weights + [weight] self.set_cycle()
[docs]class EnsembleSlice(EnsembleProposal): """ The Ensemble Slice proposal from Karamanis & Beutler """ log_J = 0.0 # Symmetric proposal
[docs]class EnsembleSliceDifferential(EnsembleSlice): """ The Ensemble Slice Differential move from Karamanis & Beutler """
[docs] def get_direction(self, mu = 1.0): """ Draws two random points and returns their direction """ subset = sample(list(self.ensemble),2) direction = reduce(type(self.ensemble[0]).__sub__,subset) return direction * mu
[docs]class EnsembleSliceCorrelatedGaussian(EnsembleSlice): """ The Ensemble Slice Correlated Gaussian move from Karamanis & Beutler """ mean = None covariance=None
[docs] def set_ensemble(self,ensemble): """ Over-ride default set_ensemble so that the mean and covariance matrix are recomputed when it is updated """ super(EnsembleSliceCorrelatedGaussian,self).set_ensemble(ensemble) self.update_mean_covariance()
[docs] def update_mean_covariance(self): """ Recompute mean and covariance matrix of the ensemble """ n = len(self.ensemble) dim = self.ensemble[0].dimension cov_array = np.zeros((dim,n)) if dim == 1: name=self.ensemble[0].names[0] self.covariance = np.atleast_2d(np.var([self.ensemble[j][name] for j in range(n)])) self.mean = np.atleast_1d(np.mean([self.ensemble[j][name] for j in range(n)])) else: for i,name in enumerate(self.ensemble[0].names): for j in range(n): cov_array[i,j] = self.ensemble[j][name] self.covariance = np.cov(cov_array) self.mean = np.mean(cov_array,axis=1)
[docs] def get_direction(self, mu = 1.0): """ Draws a random gaussian direction """ direction = mu * np.random.multivariate_normal(self.mean, self.covariance) return direction
[docs]class EnsembleSliceGaussian(EnsembleSlice): """ The Ensemble Slice Gaussian move from Karamanis & Beutler """
[docs] def get_direction(self, mu = 1.0): """ Draw a random gaussian direction """ direction = np.random.normal(0.0,1.0,size=len(self.ensemble[0].names)) direction /= np.linalg.norm(direction) return direction * mu
[docs]class EnsembleSliceProposalCycle(ProposalCycle): def __init__(self, model=None): """ A proposal cycle that uses the slice sampler :obj:`EnsembleSlice` proposal. """ weights = [1,1,1] proposals = [EnsembleSliceDifferential(),EnsembleSliceGaussian(),EnsembleSliceCorrelatedGaussian()] super(EnsembleSliceProposalCycle,self).__init__(proposals, weights)
[docs] def get_direction(self, mu = 1.0, **kwargs): """ Get a direction for the slice jump """ self.idx = (self.idx + 1) % self.N p = self.cycle[self.idx] new = p.get_direction(mu = mu, **kwargs) self.log_J = p.log_J return new
[docs]class EnsembleWalk(EnsembleProposal): """ The Ensemble "walk" move from Goodman & Weare Draws a step by evolving along the direction of the center of mass of 3 points in the ensemble. """ log_J = 0.0 # Symmetric proposal Npoints = 3
[docs] def get_sample(self,old): """ Parameters ---------- old : :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` Returns ---------- out: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` """ subset = sample(list(self.ensemble),self.Npoints) center_of_mass = reduce(type(old).__add__,subset)/float(self.Npoints) out = old for x in subset: out += (x - center_of_mass)*gauss(0,1) return out
[docs]class EnsembleStretch(EnsembleProposal): """ The Ensemble "stretch" move from Goodman & Weare """
[docs] def get_sample(self,old): """ Parameters ---------- old : :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` Returns ---------- out: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` """ scale = 2.0 # Will stretch factor in (1/scale,scale) # Pick a random point to move toward a = random.choice(self.ensemble) # Pick the scale factor x = uniform(-1,1)*log(scale) Z = exp(x) out = a + (old - a)*Z # Jacobian self.log_J = out.dimension * x return out
[docs]class DifferentialEvolution(EnsembleProposal): """ Differential evolution move: Draws a step by taking the difference vector between two points in the ensemble and adding it to the current point. See e.g. Exercise 30.12, p.398 in MacKay's book We add a small perturbation around the exact step """ log_J = 0.0 # Symmetric jump
[docs] def get_sample(self,old): """ Parameters ---------- old : :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` Returns ---------- out: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` """ a,b = sample(list(self.ensemble),2) sigma = 1e-4 # scatter around difference vector by this factor out = old + (b-a)*gauss(1.0,sigma) return out
[docs]class EnsembleEigenVector(EnsembleProposal): """ A jump along a randomly-chosen eigenvector of the covariance matrix of the ensemble """ log_J = 0.0 eigen_values=None eigen_vectors=None covariance=None
[docs] def set_ensemble(self,ensemble): """ Over-ride default set_ensemble so that the eigenvectors are recomputed when it is updated """ super(EnsembleEigenVector,self).set_ensemble(ensemble) self.update_eigenvectors()
[docs] def update_eigenvectors(self): """ Recompute the eigenvectors and eigevalues of the covariance matrix of the ensemble """ n=len(self.ensemble) dim = self.ensemble[0].dimension cov_array = np.zeros((dim,n)) if dim == 1: name=self.ensemble[0].names[0] self.eigen_values = np.atleast_1d(np.var([self.ensemble[j][name] for j in range(n)])) self.covariance = self.eigen_values self.eigen_vectors = np.eye(1) else: for i,name in enumerate(self.ensemble[0].names): for j in range(n): cov_array[i,j] = self.ensemble[j][name] self.covariance = np.cov(cov_array) self.eigen_values,self.eigen_vectors = np.linalg.eigh(self.covariance)
[docs] def get_sample(self,old): """ Propose a jump along a random eigenvector Parameters ---------- old : :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` Returns ---------- out: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` """ out = old.copy() # pick a random eigenvector i = randrange(old.dimension) jumpsize = sqrt(fabs(self.eigen_values[i]))*gauss(0,1) for k,n in enumerate(out.names): out[n]+=jumpsize*self.eigen_vectors[k,i] return out
[docs]class DefaultProposalCycle(ProposalCycle): """ A default proposal cycle that uses the :obj:`cpnest.proposal.EnsembleWalk`, :obj:`cpnest.proposal.EnsembleStretch`, :obj:`cpnest.proposal.DifferentialEvolution`, :obj:`cpnest.proposal.EnsembleEigenVector` ensemble proposals. """ def __init__(self): proposals = [EnsembleWalk(), EnsembleStretch(), DifferentialEvolution(), EnsembleEigenVector()] weights = [5, 5, 10, 10] super(DefaultProposalCycle,self).__init__(proposals, weights)
[docs]class HamiltonianProposalCycle(ProposalCycle): def __init__(self, model=None): """ A proposal cycle that uses the hamiltonian :obj:`ConstrainedLeapFrog` proposal. Requires a :obj:`cpnest.Model` to be passed for access to the user-defined :obj:`cpnest.Model.force` (the gradient of :obj:`cpnest.Model.potential`) and :obj:`cpnest.Model.log_likelihood` to define the reflective """ weights = [1] proposals = [ConstrainedLeapFrog(model=model)] super(HamiltonianProposalCycle,self).__init__(proposals, weights)
[docs]class HamiltonianProposal(EnsembleEigenVector): """ Base class for hamiltonian proposals """ mass_matrix = None inverse_mass_matrix = None momenta_distribution = None def __init__(self, model=None, **kwargs): """ Initialises the class with the kinetic energy and the :obj:`cpnest.Model.potential`. """ super(HamiltonianProposal, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.T = self.kinetic_energy self.V = model.potential self.normal = None self.dt = 0.3 self.base_dt = 0.3 self.scale = 1.0 self.L = 20 self.base_L = 20 self.TARGET = 0.500 self.ADAPTATIONSIZE = 0.001 self._initialised = False self.c = self.counter() self.DEBUG = 0
[docs] def set_ensemble(self, ensemble): """ override the set ensemble method to update masses, momenta distribution and to heuristically estimate the normal vector to the hard boundary defined by logLmin. """ super(HamiltonianProposal,self).set_ensemble(ensemble) self.update_mass() self.update_normal_vector() self.update_momenta_distribution()
[docs] def update_normal_vector(self): """ update the constraint by approximating the loglikelihood hypersurface as a spline in each dimension. This is an approximation which improves as the algorithm proceeds """ n = self.ensemble[0].dimension tracers_array = np.zeros((len(self.ensemble),n)) for i,samp in enumerate(self.ensemble): tracers_array[i,:] = samp.values V_vals = np.atleast_1d([p.logL for p in self.ensemble]) self.normal = [] for i,x in enumerate(tracers_array.T): # sort the values # self.normal.append(lambda x: -x) idx = x.argsort() xs = x[idx] Vs = V_vals[idx] # remove potential duplicate entries xs, ids = np.unique(xs, return_index = True) Vs = Vs[ids] # pick only finite values idx = np.isfinite(Vs) Vs = Vs[idx] xs = xs[idx] # filter to within the 90% range of the Pvals Vl,Vh = np.percentile(Vs,[5,95]) (idx,) = np.where(np.logical_and(Vs > Vl,Vs < Vh)) Vs = Vs[idx] xs = xs[idx] # Pick knots for this parameters: Choose 5 knots between # the 1st and 99th percentiles (heuristic tuning WDP) knots = np.percentile(xs,np.linspace(1,99,5)) # Guesstimate the length scale for numerical derivatives dimwidth = knots[-1]-knots[0] delta = 0.1 * dimwidth / len(idx) # Apply a Savtzky-Golay filter to the likelihoods (low-pass filter) window_length = len(idx)//2+1 # Window for Savtzky-Golay filter if window_length%2 == 0: window_length += 1 f = savgol_filter(Vs, window_length, 5, # Order of polynominal filter deriv=1, # Take first derivative delta=delta, # delta for numerical deriv mode='mirror' # Reflective boundary conds. ) # construct a LSQ spline interpolant self.normal.append(LSQUnivariateSpline(xs, f, knots, ext = 3, k = 3)) if self.DEBUG: np.savetxt('dlogL_spline_%d.txt'%i,np.column_stack((xs,Vs,self.normal[-1](xs),f)))
[docs] def unit_normal(self, q): """ Returns the unit normal to the iso-Likelihood surface at x, obtained from the spline interpolation of the directional derivatives of the likelihood Parameters ---------- q : :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` position Returns ---------- n: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` unit normal to the logLmin contour evaluated at q """ v = np.array([self.normal[i](q[n]) for i,n in enumerate(q.names)]) v[np.isnan(v)] = -1.0 n = v/np.linalg.norm(v) return n
[docs] def gradient(self, q): """ return the gradient of the potential function as numpy ndarray Parameters ---------- q : :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` position Returns ---------- dV: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` gradient evaluated at q """ dV = self.dV(q) return dV.view(np.float64)
[docs] def update_momenta_distribution(self): """ update the momenta distribution using the mass matrix (precision matrix of the ensemble). """ self.momenta_distribution = multivariate_normal(cov=self.mass_matrix)#
[docs] def update_mass(self): """ Update the mass matrix (covariance matrix) and inverse mass matrix (precision matrix) from the ensemble, allowing for correlated momenta """ self.d = self.covariance.shape[0] self.inverse_mass_matrix = np.atleast_2d(self.covariance) self.mass_matrix = np.linalg.inv(self.inverse_mass_matrix) self.inverse_mass = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.diag(self.inverse_mass_matrix))) _, self.logdeterminant = np.linalg.slogdet(self.mass_matrix) if self._initialised == False: self.set_integration_parameters()
[docs] def set_integration_parameters(self): """ Set the integration length according to the N-dimensional ellipsoid shortest and longest principal axes. The former sets to base time step while the latter sets the trajectory length """ ranges = [self.prior_bounds[j][1] - self.prior_bounds[j][0] for j in range(self.d)] l, h = np.min(ranges), np.max(ranges) self.base_L = 10+int((h/l)*self.d**(1./4.)) self.base_dt = (1.0/self.base_L)*l/h self._initialised = True
[docs] def update_time_step(self, acceptance): """ Update the time step according to the acceptance rate Parameters ---------- acceptance : :obj:'numpy.float' """ diff = acceptance - self.TARGET new_log_scale = np.log(self.scale) + self.ADAPTATIONSIZE * diff self.scale = np.exp(new_log_scale) self.dt = self.base_dt * self.scale
[docs] def update_trajectory_length(self,nmcmc): """ Update the trajectory length according to the estimated ACL Parameters ---------- nmcmc :`obj`:: int """ self.L = self.base_L + np.random.randint(nmcmc,5*nmcmc)
[docs] def kinetic_energy(self,p): """ kinetic energy part for the Hamiltonian. Parameters ---------- p : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` momentum Returns ---------- T: :float: kinetic energy """ return 0.5 *,,p))-self.logdeterminant-0.5*self.d*np.log(2.0*np.pi)
[docs] def hamiltonian(self, p, q): """ Hamiltonian. Parameters ---------- p : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` momentum q : :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` position Returns ---------- H: :float: hamiltonian """ return self.T(p) + self.V(q)
[docs]class LeapFrog(HamiltonianProposal): """ Leap frog integrator proposal for an unconstrained Hamiltonian Monte Carlo step """ def __init__(self, model=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- model : :obj:`cpnest.Model` """ super(LeapFrog, self).__init__(model=model, **kwargs) self.dV = model.force self.prior_bounds = model.bounds
[docs] def get_sample(self, q0, *args): """ Propose a new sample, starting at q0 Parameters ---------- q0 : :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` position Returns ---------- q: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` position """ # generate a canonical momentum p0 = np.atleast_1d(self.momenta_distribution.rvs()) initial_energy = self.hamiltonian(p0,q0) # evolve along the trajectory q, p = self.evolve_trajectory(p0, q0, *args) # minus sign from the definition of the potential final_energy = self.hamiltonian(p,q) self.log_J = min(0.0, initial_energy-final_energy) return q
[docs] def evolve_trajectory(self, p0, q0, *args): """ Hamiltonian leap frog trajectory subject to the hard boundary defined by the parameters prior bounds. Parameters ---------- p0 : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` momentum q0 : :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` position Returns ---------- p: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` updated momentum vector q: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` position """ # Updating the momentum a half-step p = p0 - 0.5 * self.dt * self.gradient(q0) q = q0.copy() for i in range(self.L): # do a step for j,k in enumerate(q.names): u,l = self.prior_bounds[j][1], self.prior_bounds[j][0] q[k] += self.dt * p[j] * self.inverse_mass[j] # check and reflect against the bounds # of the allowed parameter range while q[k] <= l or q[k] >= u: if q[k] > u: q[k] = u - (q[k] - u) p[j] *= -1 if q[k] < l: q[k] = l + (l - q[k]) p[j] *= -1 dV = self.gradient(q) # take a full momentum step p += - self.dt * dV # Do a final update of the momentum for a half step p += - 0.5 * self.dt * dV return q, -p
[docs]class ConstrainedLeapFrog(LeapFrog): """ Leap frog integrator proposal for a costrained (logLmin defines a reflective boundary) Hamiltonian Monte Carlo step. """ def __init__(self, model=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- model : :obj:`cpnest.Model` """ super(ConstrainedLeapFrog, self).__init__(model=model, **kwargs) self.log_likelihood = model.log_likelihood
[docs] def get_sample(self, q0, logLmin=-np.inf): """ Generate new sample with constrained HMC, starting at q0. Parameters ---------- q0 : :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` position logLmin: hard likelihood boundary Returns ---------- q: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` position """ return super(ConstrainedLeapFrog,self).get_sample(q0, logLmin)
[docs] def counter(self): n = 0 while True: yield n n += 1
[docs] def evolve_trajectory_one_step_position(self, p, q): """ One leap frog step in position Parameters ---------- p0 : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` momentum q0 : :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` position Returns ---------- p: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` updated momentum vector q: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` position """ for j,k in enumerate(q.names): u, l = self.prior_bounds[j][1], self.prior_bounds[j][0] q[k] += self.dt * p[j] * self.inverse_mass[j] # check and reflect against the bounds # of the allowed parameter range while q[k] < l or q[k] > u: if q[k] > u: q[k] = u - (q[k] - u) p[j] *= -1 if q[k] < l: q[k] = l + (l - q[k]) p[j] *= -1 return p, q
[docs] def evolve_trajectory_one_step_momentum(self, p, q, logLmin, half = False): """ One leap frog step in momentum Parameters ---------- p0 : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` momentum q0 : :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` position logLmin: :obj:`numpy.float64` loglikelihood constraint Returns ---------- p: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` updated momentum vector q: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` position """ reflected = 0 dV = self.gradient(q) if half is True: p += - 0.5 * self.dt * dV return p, q, reflected else: c = self.check_constraint(q, logLmin) if c > 0: p += - self.dt * dV else: normal = self.unit_normal(q) p += - 2.0*,normal)*normal reflected = 1 return p, q, reflected
[docs] def check_constraint(self, q, logLmin): """ Check the likelihood Parameters ---------- q0 : :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` position logLmin: :obj:`numpy.float64` loglikelihood constraint Returns ---------- c: :obj:`numpy.float64` value of the constraint """ q.logP = -self.V(q) q.logL = self.log_likelihood(q) return q.logL - logLmin
[docs] def evolve_trajectory(self, p0, q0, logLmin): """ Evolve point according to Hamiltonian method in Parameters ---------- p0 : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` momentum q0 : :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` position Returns ---------- p: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` updated momentum vector q: :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` position """ trajectory = [(q0,p0)] # evolve forward in time i = 0 p, q, reflected = self.evolve_trajectory_one_step_momentum(p0.copy(), q0.copy(), logLmin, half = True) while (i < self.L): p, q = self.evolve_trajectory_one_step_position(p, q) p, q, reflected = self.evolve_trajectory_one_step_momentum(p, q, logLmin, half = False) trajectory.append((q.copy(),p.copy())) i += 1 # evolve backward in time i = 0 p, q, reflected = self.evolve_trajectory_one_step_momentum(-p0.copy(), q0.copy(), logLmin, half = True) while (i < self.L): p, q = self.evolve_trajectory_one_step_position(p, q) p, q, reflected = self.evolve_trajectory_one_step_momentum(p, q, logLmin, half = False) trajectory.append((q.copy(),p.copy())) i += 1 # if i == 3*self.L: break p, q, reflected = self.evolve_trajectory_one_step_momentum(p, q, logLmin, half = True) if self.DEBUG: self.save_trajectory(trajectory, logLmin) return self.sample_trajectory(trajectory)
# print("dt:",self.dt,"L:",self.L,"actual L:",i,"maxL:",3*self.L) # return trajectory[-1]
[docs] def sample_trajectory(self, trajectory): """ """ logw = np.array([-self.hamiltonian(p,q) for q,p in trajectory[1:-1]]) norm = logsumexp(logw) idx = np.random.choice(range(1,len(trajectory)-1), p = np.exp(logw - norm)) return trajectory[idx]
[docs] def save_trajectory(self, trajectory, logLmin, filename = None): """ save trajectory for diagnostic purposes """ if filename is None: filename = 'trajectory_'+str(next(self.c))+'.txt' f = open(filename,'w') names = trajectory[0][0].names for n in names: f.write(n+'\t'+'p_'+n+'\t') f.write('logPrior\tlogL\tlogLmin\n') for j,step in enumerate(trajectory): q = step[0] p = step[1] for j,n in enumerate(names): f.write(repr(q[n])+'\t'+repr(p[j])+'\t') f.write(repr(q.logP)+'\t'+repr(q.logL)+'\t'+repr(logLmin)+'\n') f.close() if self.c == 3: exit()