Source code for cpnest.sampler

from __future__ import division
import sys
import os
import logging
import time
import numpy as np
from math import log
from collections import deque
from random import random,randrange

from . import parameter
from .proposal import DefaultProposalCycle
from . import proposal
from .cpnest import CheckPoint, RunManager
from tqdm import tqdm
from operator import attrgetter
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rfn
import array
from .nest2pos import acl

import pickle
__checkpoint_flag = False

[docs]class Sampler(object): """ Sampler class. --------- Initialisation arguments: args: model: :obj:`cpnest.Model` user defined model to sample maxmcmc: :int: maximum number of mcmc steps to be used in the :obj:`cnest.sampler.Sampler` ---------- kwargs: verbose: :int: display debug information on screen Default: 0 poolsize: :int: number of objects for the affine invariant sampling Default: 1000 seed: :int: random seed to initialise the pseudo-random chain Default: None proposal: :obj:`cpnest.proposals.Proposal` to use Defaults: :obj:`cpnest.proposals.DefaultProposalCycle`) resume_file: File for checkpointing Default: None manager: :obj:`multiprocessing.Manager` hosting all communication objects Default: None """ def __init__(self, model, maxmcmc, seed = None, output = None, verbose = False, sample_prior = False, poolsize = 1000, proposal = None, resume_file = None, manager = None): self.seed = seed self.model = model self.initial_mcmc = maxmcmc//10 self.maxmcmc = maxmcmc self.resume_file = resume_file self.manager = manager self.logLmin = self.manager.logLmin self.logLmax = self.manager.logLmax self.logger = logging.getLogger('cpnest.sampler.Sampler') if proposal is None: self.proposal = DefaultProposalCycle() else: self.proposal = proposal self.Nmcmc = self.initial_mcmc self.Nmcmc_exact = float(self.initial_mcmc) self.poolsize = poolsize self.evolution_points = deque(maxlen = self.poolsize) self.verbose = verbose self.acceptance = 0.0 self.sub_acceptance = 0.0 self.mcmc_accepted = 0 self.mcmc_counter = 0 self.initialised = False self.output = output self.sample_prior = sample_prior self.samples = deque(maxlen = None if self.verbose >=3 else 5*self.maxmcmc) # the list of samples from the mcmc chain self.producer_pipe, self.thread_id = self.manager.connect_producer() self.last_checkpoint_time = time.time()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Initialise the sampler by generating :int:`poolsize` `cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` and distributing them according to :obj:`cpnest.model.Model.log_prior` """ np.random.seed(seed=self.seed) for n in tqdm(range(self.poolsize), desc='SMPLR {} init draw'.format(self.thread_id), disable= not self.verbose, position=self.thread_id, leave=False): while True: # Generate an in-bounds sample p = self.model.new_point() p.logP = self.model.log_prior(p) if np.isfinite(p.logP): break p.logL=self.model.log_likelihood(p) if p.logL is None or not np.isfinite(p.logL): self.logger.warning("Received non-finite logL value {0} with parameters {1}".format(str(p.logL), str(p))) self.logger.warning("You may want to check your likelihood function to improve sampling") self.evolution_points.append(p) self.proposal.set_ensemble(self.evolution_points) # initialise the structure to store the mcmc chain self.samples = [] # Now, run evolution so samples are drawn from actual prior for k in tqdm(range(self.poolsize), desc='SMPLR {} init evolve'.format(self.thread_id), disable= not self.verbose, position=self.thread_id, leave=False): _, p = next(self.yield_sample(-np.inf)) self.estimate_nmcmc_on_the_fly() if self.sample_prior is True or self.verbose>=3: # save the poolsize as prior samples prior_samples = [] for k in tqdm(range(self.maxmcmc), desc='SMPLR {} generating prior samples'.format(self.thread_id), disable= not self.verbose, position=self.thread_id, leave=False): _, p = next(self.yield_sample(-np.inf)) prior_samples.append(p) prior_samples = rfn.stack_arrays([prior_samples[j].asnparray() for j in range(0,len(prior_samples))],usemask=False) np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.output,'prior_samples_%s.dat'%os.getpid()), prior_samples.ravel(),header=' '.join(prior_samples.dtype.names), newline='\n',delimiter=' ') self.logger.critical("Sampler process {0!s}: saved {1:d} prior samples in {2!s}".format(os.getpid(),self.maxmcmc,'prior_samples_%s.dat'%os.getpid())) self.prior_samples = prior_samples self.proposal.set_ensemble(self.evolution_points) self.initialised=True
[docs] def estimate_nmcmc_on_the_fly(self, safety=5, tau=None): """ Estimate autocorrelation length of chain using acceptance fraction ACL = (2/acc) - 1 multiplied by a safety margin of 5 Uses moving average with decay time tau iterations (default: :int:`self.poolsize`) Taken from """ if tau is None: tau = self.poolsize/safety if self.sub_acceptance == 0.0: self.Nmcmc_exact = (1.0 + 1.0/tau)*self.Nmcmc_exact else: self.Nmcmc_exact = (1.0 - 1.0/tau)*self.Nmcmc_exact + (safety/tau)*(2.0/self.sub_acceptance - 1.0) self.Nmcmc_exact = float(min(self.Nmcmc_exact,self.maxmcmc)) self.Nmcmc = max(safety,int(self.Nmcmc_exact)) return self.Nmcmc
[docs] def estimate_nmcmc(self, safety=20): """ Estimate autocorrelation length of the chain """ # first of all, build a numpy array out of # the stored samples ACL = [] samples = np.array([x.values for x in self.samples[-5*self.maxmcmc:]]) # compute the ACL on 5 times the maxmcmc set of samples ACL = [acl(samples[:,i]) for i in range(samples.shape[1])] if self.verbose >= 3: for i in range(len(self.model.names)):"Sampler {0} -- ACL({1}) = {2}".format(os.getpid(),self.model.names[i],ACL[i])) self.Nmcmc = int(np.max(ACL)) if self.Nmcmc < 1: self.Nmcmc = 1 if self.Nmcmc < safety: self.Nmcmc = safety return self.Nmcmc
[docs] def produce_sample(self): try: self._produce_sample() except CheckPoint: self.logger.critical("Checkpoint excepted in sampler") self.checkpoint()
def _produce_sample(self): """ main loop that takes the worst :obj:`cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` and evolves it. Proposed sample is then sent back to :obj:`cpnest.NestedSampler`. """ if not self.initialised: self.reset() self.counter=1 __checkpoint_flag=False while True: if self.manager.checkpoint_flag.value: self.checkpoint() sys.exit(130) if self.logLmin.value==np.inf: break if time.time() - self.last_checkpoint_time > self.manager.periodic_checkpoint_interval: self.checkpoint() self.last_checkpoint_time = time.time() # if the nested sampler is requesting for an update # produce a sample for it if self.producer_pipe.poll(): p = self.producer_pipe.recv() if p is None: break if p == "checkpoint": self.checkpoint() sys.exit(130) self.evolution_points.append(p) (Nmcmc, outParam) = next(self.yield_sample(self.logLmin.value)) # Send the sample to the Nested Sampler self.producer_pipe.send((self.acceptance,self.sub_acceptance,Nmcmc,outParam)) # otherwise, keep on sampling from the previous boundary else: _, _ = next(self.yield_sample(self.logLmin.value)) # Update the ensemble every now and again if (self.counter%(self.poolsize//4))==0: self.proposal.set_ensemble(self.evolution_points) self.estimate_nmcmc() self.counter += 1 self.logger.critical("Sampler process {0!s}: MCMC samples accumulated = {1:d}".format(os.getpid(),len(self.samples))) # self.samples.extend(self.evolution_points) if self.verbose >=3 and not(self.sample_prior): self.mcmc_samples = rfn.stack_arrays([self.samples[j].asnparray() for j in range(0,len(self.samples))],usemask=False) np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.output,'mcmc_chain_%s.dat'%os.getpid()), self.mcmc_samples.ravel(),header=' '.join(self.mcmc_samples.dtype.names), newline='\n',delimiter=' ') self.logger.critical("Sampler process {0!s}: saved {1:d} mcmc samples in {2!s}".format(os.getpid(),len(self.samples),'mcmc_chain_%s.dat'%os.getpid())) self.logger.critical("Sampler process {0!s} - mean acceptance {1:.3f}: exiting".format(os.getpid(), float(self.mcmc_accepted)/float(self.mcmc_counter))) return 0
[docs] def checkpoint(self): """ Checkpoint its internal state """'Checkpointing Sampler') with open(self.resume_file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self, f)
[docs] @classmethod def resume(cls, resume_file, manager, model): """ Resumes the interrupted state from a checkpoint pickle file. """ with open(resume_file, "rb") as f: obj = pickle.load(f) obj.model = model obj.manager = manager obj.logLmin = obj.manager.logLmin obj.logLmax = obj.manager.logLmax obj.logger = logging.getLogger("cpnest.sample.Sampler") obj.producer_pipe , obj.thread_id = obj.manager.connect_producer()'Resuming Sampler from ' + resume_file) obj.last_checkpoint_time = time.time() return obj
def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() # Remove the unpicklable entries. del state['model'] del state['logLmin'] del state['logLmax'] del state['manager'] del state['producer_pipe'] del state['thread_id'] del state['logger'] return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state self.manager = None
[docs]class MetropolisHastingsSampler(Sampler): """ metropolis-hastings acceptance rule for :obj:`cpnest.proposal.EnembleProposal` """
[docs] def yield_sample(self, logLmin): while True: sub_counter = 0 sub_accepted = 0 oldparam = self.evolution_points.popleft() logp_old = self.model.log_prior(oldparam) while True: sub_counter += 1 newparam = self.proposal.get_sample(oldparam.copy()) newparam.logP = self.model.log_prior(newparam) if newparam.logP-logp_old + self.proposal.log_J > log(random()): newparam.logL = self.model.log_likelihood(newparam) if newparam.logL > logLmin: self.logLmax.value = max(self.logLmax.value, newparam.logL) oldparam = newparam.copy() logp_old = newparam.logP sub_accepted+=1 # append the sample to the array of samples self.samples.append(oldparam) if (sub_counter >= self.Nmcmc and sub_accepted > 0 ) or sub_counter >= self.maxmcmc: break # Put sample back in the stack, unless that sample led to zero accepted points self.evolution_points.append(oldparam) self.sub_acceptance = float(sub_accepted)/float(sub_counter) self.mcmc_accepted += sub_accepted self.mcmc_counter += sub_counter self.acceptance = float(self.mcmc_accepted)/float(self.mcmc_counter) # Yield the new sample yield (sub_counter, oldparam)
[docs]class HamiltonianMonteCarloSampler(Sampler): """ HamiltonianMonteCarlo acceptance rule for :obj:`cpnest.proposal.HamiltonianProposal` """
[docs] def yield_sample(self, logLmin): global_lmax = self.logLmax.value while True: sub_accepted = 0 sub_counter = 0 oldparam = self.evolution_points.pop() while sub_accepted == 0: sub_counter += 1 newparam = self.proposal.get_sample(oldparam.copy(), logLmin = logLmin) if self.proposal.log_J > np.log(random()): if newparam.logL > logLmin: global_lmax = max(global_lmax, newparam.logL) oldparam = newparam.copy() sub_accepted += 1 # append the sample to the array of samples self.samples.append(oldparam) self.evolution_points.append(oldparam) self.sub_acceptance = float(sub_accepted)/float(sub_counter) self.mcmc_accepted += sub_accepted self.mcmc_counter += sub_counter self.acceptance = float(self.mcmc_accepted)/float(self.mcmc_counter) self.logLmax.value = global_lmax for p in self.proposal.proposals: p.update_time_step(self.acceptance) p.update_trajectory_length(self.Nmcmc) #print(p.dt,p.L) yield (sub_counter, oldparam)
[docs] def insert_sample(self, p): # if we did not accept, inject a new particle in the system (gran-canonical) from the prior # by picking one from the existing pool and giving it a random trajectory k = np.random.randint(self.evolution_points.maxlen) self.evolution_points.rotate(k) p = self.evolution_points.pop() self.evolution_points.append(p) self.evolution_points.rotate(-k) return self.proposal.get_sample(p.copy(),logLmin=p.logL)
[docs]class SliceSampler(Sampler): """ The Ensemble Slice sampler from Karamanis & Beutler """
[docs] def reset(self): """ Initialise the sampler by generating :int:`poolsize` `cpnest.parameter.LivePoint` """ = 1.0 self.max_steps_out = self.maxmcmc # maximum stepping out steps allowed self.max_slices = self.maxmcmc # maximum number of slices allowed self.tuning_steps = 10*self.poolsize super(SliceSampler, self).reset()
[docs] def adapt_length_scale(self): """ adapts the length scale of the expansion/contraction following the rule in (Robbins and Monro, 1951) of Tibbits et al. (2014) """ Ne = max(1,self.Ne) Nc = max(1,self.Nc) ratio = Ne/(Ne+Nc) *= 2*ratio
[docs] def reset_boundaries(self): """ resets the boundaries and counts for the slicing """ self.L = - np.random.uniform(0.0,1.0) self.R = self.L + 1.0 self.Ne = 0.0 self.Nc = 0.0
[docs] def increase_left_boundary(self): """ increase the left boundary and counts by one unit """ self.L = self.L - 1.0 self.Ne = self.Ne + 1
[docs] def increase_right_boundary(self): """ increase the right boundary and counts by one unit """ self.R = self.R + 1.0 self.Ne = self.Ne + 1
[docs] def yield_sample(self, logLmin): while True: sub_accepted = 0 sub_counter = 0 j = 0 while j < self.poolsize: oldparam = self.evolution_points.popleft() if oldparam.logL > logLmin: break self.evolution_points.append(oldparam) j += 1 while True: # Set Initial Interval Boundaries self.reset_boundaries() sub_counter += 1 direction_vector = self.proposal.get_direction(mu = if not(isinstance(direction_vector,parameter.LivePoint)): direction_vector = parameter.LivePoint(oldparam.names,d=array.array('d',direction_vector.tolist())) Y = logLmin Yp = oldparam.logP-np.random.exponential() J = np.floor(self.max_steps_out*np.random.uniform(0,1)) K = (self.max_steps_out-1)-J # keep on expanding until we get outside the logL boundary from the left # or the prior bound, whichever comes first while J > 0: parameter_left = direction_vector * self.L + oldparam if self.model.in_bounds(parameter_left): if Yp > self.model.log_prior(parameter_left): break else: self.increase_left_boundary() J -= 1 # if we get out of bounds, break out else: break # keep on expanding until we get outside the logL boundary from the right # or the prior bound, whichever comes first while K > 0: parameter_right = direction_vector * self.R + oldparam if self.model.in_bounds(parameter_right): if Yp > self.model.log_prior(parameter_right): break else: self.increase_right_boundary() K -= 1 # if we get out of bounds, break out else: break # slice sample the likelihood-bound prior # if the search interval has shrunk too much, break and start over slice = 0 while slice < self.max_slices: # generate a new point between the boundaries we identified Xprime = np.random.uniform(self.L,self.R) newparam = direction_vector * Xprime + oldparam newparam.logP = self.model.log_prior(newparam) if newparam.logP > Yp: # compute the new value of logL newparam.logL = self.model.log_likelihood(newparam) if newparam.logL > Y: self.logLmax.value = max(self.logLmax.value, newparam.logL) oldparam = newparam.copy() sub_accepted += 1 break # adapt the intervals shrinking them if Xprime < 0.0: self.L = Xprime self.Nc = self.Nc + 1 elif Xprime > 0.0: self.R = Xprime self.Nc = self.Nc + 1 slice += 1 if sub_counter > self.Nmcmc and sub_accepted > 0: break if sub_counter > self.maxmcmc: break self.evolution_points.append(oldparam) self.samples.append(oldparam) self.sub_acceptance = float(sub_accepted)/float(sub_counter) self.mcmc_accepted += sub_accepted self.mcmc_counter += sub_counter self.acceptance = float(self.mcmc_accepted)/float(self.mcmc_counter) if self.mcmc_counter < self.tuning_steps: self.adapt_length_scale() yield (sub_counter, oldparam)